Hello world,
So today i finally finished creating my bird collages! I can no longer find my floor or desk because everything is covered in paper. I am so happy that i finally finished them and now I am looking into selling them. Just went and priced around for frames this afternoon and I think they will look really nice in simple white frames. Hopefully I will get some interest, they are nice and soft so I think they could look really sweet in a nursery or a bedroom. It really was quite an adventure to get these completed. Whilst creating them my left hand was suffering from a chemical reaction to something unknown (not the collage glue), blistered up and I had to be rushed to hospital to be treated. They gave me 2 biopsies on my arm and heaps of drugs that make you super sleepy. But with stitches and regular nap breaks I finished the collages! TA-DAH! Now back to the job hunt...
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