Wednesday, December 7, 2011

woodland creatures are so hot right now.

Hello again!

Recently I went to a craft market in Sydney and I noticed that almost every stall was selling items that had either owls, foxes, rabbits or deers/ stags on them. It made me laugh, but with the intensions of selling my work at markets soon I thought I should get in on the woodland creature action as they were selling like hot cakes! So I am selling out in my own quirky way I guess. Ah well...


crem-bru-laa said...

i love this! i've noticed this trend too, but i love woodland animals as much as the next person! i think we're all guilty of it... they're just too cute!

trudette said...

I totally agree , love your picture , very cute indeed !

Creations By Mit said...

Ha! Ha! Love it!!

Cindy D. said...

I haven't seen stags *quite* as much as the others, but yeah it's crazy! Add a mustache to a couple, a pair of steampunk goggles to one and a squid on the last one's head and you'll have some more of those popular themes sewn up!

This is really lovely and they have such great expressions. They know they are popular. I think the addition of the text is a great touch.

laura kay said...

I checked out your work a bit- it's fantastic! I love the dreamy color palette as well.

nancydrewit said...

Nice tyle--I especially like the fox! Congrats on your Bespoke cover!

nancydrewit said...

Nice tyle--I especially like the fox! Congrats on your Bespoke cover!

nancydrewit said...
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Felicity Gardner said...

Thanks guys! I do love woodland creatures too thats why I decided to get in on all the action :)

Unknown said...

Love it. So delicate, quirky and feminine.